Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Skill of Student in Journalism Class

The Skill of Student in Journalism Class

English Education Department has the material about English Journalism. English Journalism is some material to have by student in the class.The student got the material in Semester 4. The lecturer of material is Mr. Suryo Sudiro. He gave material English Journalism to student by well in the class. He gave material to improve the skill of students in English Education Department. There skill are understanding grammar, general knowledge, and writing.

The student of English Education got the material of English Journalism to understanding grammar, because grammar is important in English. To improve the skill, the lecture gave several material about grammar, before the student to practice their skill in English Journalism. The material of grammar such as understanding about tenses, article, and the other. The student can improve this skill with analyse the news of newspaper and find out the grammar that use in newspaper. Of the first meeting, the lecturer gave several newspaper about many subject into newspaper, then he commanded  to analyse some topic.

The second skill is general knowledge. The student got several knowledge from their activity in class and outside class. General knowledge to increase their information in outside from their major. It can help student to improve their knowledge.

The last skill is writing. The student practiced writing, after they got assignment to make some topic in blog. The lecturer asked to student to interview several lecturer and staff in University of Technology Yogyakarta. They got some information from interview, then they write information in paper. In skill is improtant to student, because they can practice before they get a job.

Reported by : Lu’lu Faridah



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