Tuesday, March 28, 2017


1.      Introduction
Thesis statement : The young generation is majority target from terrorism to develop next generation from their community, they have factors to join terrorism and they have role to prevent  action terrorism of young generation.
2.      Main Body
a.       The factor of young generation to join in terrorism
b.      The role young generation to prevent terrorism

3.      Conclusion
The role of  young generation to prevent terrorism and to avoid the factor that can make them join in terrorism community.

The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Terrorism

Topic                           : The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Terrorism
General Purpose          : To inform
Spesific Purpose          : To inform my audience to know about the role of young generation.
Central Idea                : 1. The factor of young generation join in terrorism
                                      2.The young of generation to know how to prevent action terrorism

Good morning ladies and getleman
First of all, let me thank all for coming here today. I would like to begin by introducing myself. My name is Lu’lu Faridah, and I am from English Education Department. Today, I would like to talk about “The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Torrorism”. My speech is 5 minutes. My topic is important to you know, becuase it can be reference to us to prevent terrorism in our country.
Terorism is the activity from human community by violence to society to get their purpose. Talk about terrorism, in erlier years many isue about terorism such as bom suitcide,plowing, and other isue. Actually, terrorism already has existed since century of independence by method and strategy and tackling that different from time by time. In globalization era, the goverment has declarated about BNPT (National Corporation of Terorrism Tacking) to prevent the action from terrorism. From the isue, society must be careful to face action of terorrism especially in young generation. I would like to discusse about the role young generation in counter-terrorism. The young generation is a majority target of terrorism to develop next generation, because terroism more closer to young generation. So, they can influence young generation by easily. There are some factors that influence young generation to join in terrorism and they have role to  prevent to action terrorism of young generation.
The young generation have reason to join terrorism, some factors that influence them are domestic, international and cultural . The first factor is domestic, it is the condition of people such as poverty, injustice or disillusion of some people to goverment in country. The people are poor and feel injustice in their country will easy to join in terrorism, because terorrism will give money and some justice when they want to join and do violence in country. The second factor is international, it is the influence from external enviroment to motivate them follow the bad their activity. The influence is given by external country makes several people to join in terorrism.The last factor is culture, the culture can make some people to move their mind to follow the terrorism. In indonesia has many culture, sometime from contrast culture can make some people to act violence and join in terorrism. In all factor, it is not well to follow when we have knowledge abou it and we do not follow by easy the invitation from terrorism. So, we must be careful and know about the strategy from terrorism, in order to we do not join it and do violence to other people.
The action from terrorism is more dangerous from us, because they can act violence and broke the concilitation in our country. So, the young of generation have prevent terrorism to dincrease the network terrorism in Indonesia. They can increase their knowledge and filter some news from social media, in order to they can not follow and give positive action in their country. Sometime social media is being tool by terrorism to develop and introduce their community. As young generation, we can participate to prevention terrorism such as :
1.      To support conciliation effort from goverment, organization, or individual.
2.      To make small community to campagin conciliation, it can do from our enviroment.
3.      Learning and increase our knowledge about conciliation.
There prevention can discrase violence action from terrorism, because the action can broke the mind of young generation in Indonesia. The young generation can do all prevention and participate from effort from goverment and do positive action that can make young generation be careful to face terrorism.

            The conclude, terrorism have many strategy to invite young generation  be member in their community. So, every young of generation in Indonesia to know their strategy by increase our knowledge and filter the new in social media. But, the young generation have role to prevent terrorism and avoid the factor that can make them join in terrorism community.

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THE ROLE OF YOUNG GENERATION IN COUNTER-TERRORISM 1.       Introduction Thesis statement : The young generation is majority target from...