Thursday, April 21, 2016

Character Building Through Education

     University Technology of Yogyakarta, held a lecture on Tuesday, 26th of February 2015. The main subject discussion of the general lecture was " Character Building Through Education". Mr. Florian Pohl Phd. who is also an alumnus of Emory University acted as the speaker in the general lecture activity that was attended by Guidance and Counseling teachers from all senior high schools in Yogyakarta and also the students of English education department in University Technology of Yogyakarta.
     In the general lecture he explained that education is something that we need and not that something we just use in order to get a job, for that from this education is how we can build our character through it. Although, most of Indonesian at the moment still think of education just as a tool needed in order to get a job. And as we can see that many Indonesian Government officials committed corruptions and bribery. These actions may be cause by the fact that they did not have any suitable education about character building  when they were still in school or college. That is one of many reasons why education about character building really needed in Indonesia, which is to change Indonesian mindset that education is really needed to get a job, but also to build a good character, for that character is actually more important to get a job rather than degree as he also said that many companies across the world concern more about character rather than just their employee's degree.
So, once again he said and proved that character building is really important to make better generation, as the general lecture attended by Guidance and counseling teachers, as the aim was to make them realize of the importance of character building through education make a better generation.
Reported by : Nggelis Ratna Gupita
Edited by : M. Rizkie Herlambang

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