Tuesday, April 26, 2016

English Class via Whatsapp

English Class via Whatsapp

                A volunteer, an anonymous man opens an English class for public learners via whatsapp. Whatsapp messenger application is used as the media to share knowledge about English. The name of English Class is Kami Guru. The man who opens English Class via whatsapp has an English course. He develops his course by opening this English Class for the learners that can be done via whatsapp.
                Everyone who wants to learn English can join this course for free. The learners only need to register themselves to Kami Guru by sending whatsapp message. The format of whatsapp message is,  typing  Jago Inggris_( Your name ) and then send the message to 087815579530. Lailatul Khusna (19 years old) , one of the English Education Department’s student in UIN Walisongo who joins this class said, “ it is very fun and the time is more efficient because we can learn English in Kami Guru wherever we are”.
                The system of learning English in Kami Guru is divided into many parts, it depends on the contract of participant. The learning is given twice a week. The materials  which are used in this class are  in text and audio form.  The admin of Kami Guru will send web adrdress for the learners who have registered themselves in Kami Guru to download the materials. Lailatul added, “ The audio that is sent by admin can be replied whenever we want”. According to her this class has weakness. The learners of this class can not see the teacher directly because the learning activity only through the text and audio instead of video. Learning English via whatsapp makes us easy to learn English.

Reported by : Himatul Khoiriyah (5141411016)
Edited by : Nggelis Ratna Gupita (5141411002)

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