Thursday, April 21, 2016



English Speaking Society (ESS) University of Technology Yogyakarta held Internal Selection for NUDC 2016. This was the preparation to join National University Debating Championship (NUDC). 
ISNUDC is a regular event that is always presented every year. The participants are the students of University of Technology Yogyakarta. They are registered in teams which consist of 2 students in each team. It applies British Parliamentary Debate that needs 4 teams. 
The committee of ISNUDC 2016 prepared the technical meeting in 3rd of April 2016, at 12.30 AM. The Launching of prepared motion and systematic debate was delivered by the one of adjudicators. It would be a case that was possible to be built in debating.
Some participants did simulations of debate in campus 3 to know the system of debate overall. Oktavian, as the coach guided them to pass the process of debate. He said that “the key of this debate is, don’t be under time”. The participants needed 5 to 7 minutes to deliver their arguments. The basic knowledge of debating was very essential to deliver the goals.
The main agenda was opened by Dr. Y. Radjaban in campus 3 of UTY. He opened this event officially. Prabowo, as the chairman of committee gave a speech that purposed to motivate the participants. It could improve the skills in critical thinking because this debate was the battle of logic . The event was guided by four adjudicators, three of them were from UTY and one of them was from UNY. Burhanudin Arif, the adjudicator from UNY delivered the introduction with showing 16 teams of debate. The best speakers who would be representative of UTY could be from different teams.
They were divided into four chambers that debated the same motion. They needed to pass three preliminary rounds. The best speakers were from the accumulated score of preliminary rounds even though they could not reach final. In the end of the event, all adjudicators announced that the winner was from Fujoshi team. Burhanudin Arif reminded the participants to keep spirit in debate and do not give up because of the result. The participants needed to respect the long process that was very precious. ISNUDC was closed with taking a picture. This event hopefully could gather the talents of UTY students especially in debating.

Author : Yuliana Dwi Endah Arumsari

Editor : Muhammad Eko Saputro

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