Tuesday, April 26, 2016

LGBT in Society

LGBT in Society

Liputan6.com, Yogyakarta - Sekartaji Ayuwangi, a physical therapy practitioner’s in Yogyakarta, expressed readiness to help the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender or (LGBT) as their positions were not fully accepted by the environment.
For that she was ready to provide treatment free of charge once a week.
Psychotherapy, he said, is necessary so that the perpetrators are not dropped. Actually, they have a potential.
She said that: "With the detox negative emotions and self development towards self-acceptance, will transform them into personal excellence that focus on the potential development for a better life. Liputan6.com, Monday (03/21/2016).
Usually, some of LGBT were accepted their statues from childhood until now so, it can be
Hurts them so deep, stress, trauma and kept them to them self.
Sekartaji also said there were several factors spark the LGBT behavior. 
There are some opinions from the experts. In general there is some spark
The first is physiological or biological factors. 
Second are psychodynamic factors which tend in psychosexual development disorder since childhood.Third, sosiokultur factors are customs or traditions. For instance in Indonesia as bissu in Makasssar, or gemblak in Ponorogo," he said.
And the last is the environment that triggers sexual perversion.
It can occur in people who are isolated, such as in prison.
The names of the sexual perversion, according Sekartaji it is more appropriate to describe the behavior of someone who commits sexual intimidation in others. 

Reported by : Resye Matulessy
Edited by : Anna Nurjanah



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