Saturday, October 15, 2016


Suryo Sudiro
Universitas teknologi Yogyakarta
Jl.Ringroad Utara, Jombor, Sleman 55285
Reviewed by Lu’lu faridah
            Literary work is some work art that created by human’s imagination. Literary work is not only of book as beautiful word, but it can be referenced by reader and the reader can know some history and information of the literary work. The reader also will find out the intrinsic element of the literary work such as setting, character, plot, language, etc. In novel, there present intrinsic element that freedom and wide. The reader can get information and experience of the novel. They also will think critical to understanding some work art.
            Intrinsic element present plot, character, setting of place, and style of the language that use in the literary work. For there element, it can help the reader to understand about the story in the literary work. Style language in intrinsic element will give interesting to the reader to read the literary work that created by author. If the reader will interest to read, so the purpose of author to use the style language that goal. The author will think to make some literary work and take the situation or condition in some place, setting, character of the player in the work that suitable with her/ his skill to develop and describe it to reader and become interest to read. Intrinsic literature is the important to make and analyze some literary work by reader and author.
            Learning of intrinsic element, it can see some character or subjectivity of the author because the reader was differenting one literary work with some author that different with the other. Sometime, after the reader read some literary work one reader and other reader maybe can have same thinking. When the author create some work, they will choose the background of literary work such as the author marxism and feminism. For the marxism, the author that believe about the social and historical of the life. Then, feminism, the author believe the women struggle in the life.
            The structure of journal’s Suryo Sudiro is correct, because the reader can understand about the meaning of point that delivered by author.
            The vocab that use is variation, because the vocab can increase new word to the reader and give some new information. It can be material to reader to think criticism of the word. So the reader differenting one word to other word and the same of word that use in structure.
            In my opinion, the journal can help the reader to get information and knowledge in activity reading. It can also make the reader be critical thinking to analyze some literary work. Literary work can be material to the reader to share about the social, culture and condition of environment in some place. Learn literary work, we also learn the element include in the work. Literary work needs language to develop of word in the work. So, language is important in anything to improve skill writing,speak and communicate to other people.
            Novel is some work with long word that created by author. The novel can be valuable of book to learn of reader. There are have intrinsic element to show the condition of story. The reader also can get life issues of the novel that created by author. Sometime, the author take some issue in the environment to write in the story. For novel, the reader see the intrinsic element such as plot, setting, character, setting and point of view of novel. In intrinsic element, the reader can understanding and know about the meaning of word in the novel. So, it help the reader the increase their knowledge and information from literary work. The reader also think criticism and analyze of the novel.
            From the literary work, some reader can share some idea to express of literary theory, because it may help a reader find the relationship between an author and the reader. with the literary theory, the reader can develop his/her idea of the text.
            For the conclude, the language can help the reader to improve and their skill writing. The reader can get some information and reference of the literary work. It can be the reader has critical thinking.
            Language is the only significant medium to present literature. They consider language an important meaning through language. The meaning of what is articulated with language in a text is not only seen as something produced by the readers and by language itself. Language in literature is indeed seen differently. Literature that is consider special special must have special language or the language that is different from the one used in daily conversation. It uses language as the second order of semiotic system because it does not simply describe something but it rather creates “something new”.
            Standart language that use in education writing is British. The education becomes a system that established Standard English. Goverment and media become the institutions that maintain its power. One of the standard varieties that are used by schools and other formal institutions in the world is Standard American English. The standard language is considered to have a social power. The predominantly characteristics of those who process it are people on top of socioeconomic hierarchy and people who come from major intustrial areas. The other primdominality characteristics are males, mostly whites, middle aged or upper middle aged, collage or university educated. According to Dennis R. Preston Non-Standart English refers to three types : 1. Lower-status usage, 2.  Usage among prejudicied –against groups, regardless of status, although uniform low status is often mistakely attributed to such groups, and 3. rapid, colloquial, slangy, and obscene use ( in Watts and Trudgill, 2002).
            To see the characteristics of American English, we can see the features of American English that are considered vernacular American English. One of them is the phenomena of multiple negation. In vernacular American English, the simple past tense can be expressed by verb forms that are considered past participle form in the standard.
            A vernacular dialect may contrast with the standard one (Poedjosoedarmo, 2000). To identify the differentiating features of standard and vernacular forms, we need to contrast an item considered standard to other items considered vernacular.
            In addition, readers may also find nonstandard English in literary works. The varieties are written by authors who speak and understand English well. Nonstandard English is considered lower since it is used by working class people. The variety is considered broken or vernacular. It is chat of lower class society or the chat of people who lack education. The authors demonstrate that condition in their narration. They attempt to illustrate the difference between the characters who speak non standard and them, people who have a higher level education.

            Literary work is not only some work that use beautiful word, but it can be reference to the reader to have critical thinking to analyze some work. There are intrinsic element such as plot, character, setting, style, and point of view. Sometime, the author take some language use standard and non standard language to show that the characters have different classes. The ones using standard language are considered higher that the ones using the nonstandard.

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