Friday, May 6, 2016

Cafetaria in University of Technology Yogyakarta

Cafetaria in University of Technology Yogyakarta


University of Technology Yogyakarta is located in Ringroad Utara streat, Sleman Yogyakarta. It has four cafetaria in back of campus. The distance between campus and cafetaria are not far, so it can reached by students, lecturs and staf of campus. The student usually come to there, after they finished study in the class. All cafetaria appear to south and in a row one cafetaria and the other, so the student can choose the food will bought by them. 

 Those cafetaria provide some food and drink to customer. It open 07.00 am until 06.30 pm. The price of foods and drinks are standart to student, lecture and staff in University of Technology Yogyakarta.The waiters cafetaria give the best service to customer.The cafetaria usually crowd of about student  lecture and staf of campus.After eating, the student seldom sit around doing nothing after they have fininshed study in campus.

Reported by : Lu’lu faridah


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