Saturday, May 14, 2016

Work is Devotion

Work is Devotion
            Widi Andari S.Pd, S.Kom, was the woman from Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. The student called her Mrs. Widi. She was working in University of Technology Yogyakarta being library-keeper. She gave good service to student that they need. She graduated from her study with two scholar programs before work in University of Technology Yogyakarta. The first, she got academic title S.Pd of Entreprenuer Education and S.Kom of Computer Engenering.
            After she graduated from her study, she chose teaching in Senior High School 1 Purworejo, Central Java until one year. Then, she move her job in convection business in Bandung. She not only worked in Bandung, but also she had several experience in Malang, Purwokerto, until Bandar Lampung. After she worked in several place in Indonesia, she found herself that working is devotion. She found herself, so she decided teaching. She taught with love feeling and gave confortable to students.
            In begining, she applied in STIMIK Dharma Bangsa. Then, it joined with University of Technology Yogyakarta. She worked since University of Tecnology Yogyakarta that build. She began the lecture to teach in there. After several times, she moved  being head of Operational Devision and in the last she moved being library-keeper until now.

            Within marketing to introduce University of Technology to society, she related with alumnus to introduce in their place. She said “it is some method that effective to introduce University of Technology Yogyakarta”. She gave many motivation to student and alumnus in University of Technology Yogyakarta. In addition, her life story wrote by Dr. Kuncoro in his work.
Reported by: Lu'lu Faridah

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