Friday, October 7, 2016



Literature is work art that use beautiful word by human being. It would seem that a definition of “literature” should be of urgent concern. Yet authors of books on literary theory provide no such adequate definition. This is likely to be due to the nature of language as much as to the incompetence of theorists. The lack of definition, which could be applied to all works regarded as literature, is not necessarily a bad thing. Many of the most useful words, in all languages, are useful precisely because they do not designate something very specific, but identify a rang of meanings is phenomena. Where would we be without words. We need words, such as ‘literature’and ‘literary’, indicating such family resemblances, to enable us to communicate information about individual differences to each other. The author have reason why they make work art in their life. The author can express their idea by imagination to show to reader about their work art. Imaginative Creative can be offered as an image of non-alienated labor, the intuitive,transcendental scope of the poetic mind can provide a living criticism of those rationalist or empiricist ideologies enslaved to fact. They consider several term what will they write in some work art before they show and publish to reader. They also choose ideology literature in their work art, the ideology such as marxism,feminism, and the other. We know , in literature have several type such as prose, tale, short story,novel and the other work art that can express and show by author. It is work art include of fiction and non fiction.
Fiction is the classification of story that created by human’s imagination. Fiction refers to prose stories based in imagination of authors. The work art fiction such as prose,tale,short story and novel, but prose also include in non-fiction. It has function to entertain, educate, and inspire the reader beyond in their daily activities. Every people can make work art fiction to show their imagination without structure that scientifically.Non fiction is work that make something to explore their idea in paper scientifically such as inspiration book, biography, article and the other. Non fiction is more scientifically, I think it can be used in academy.
The first part of literary fiction is prose, the word “prose” come from the latin expression prosa oratio which means straight forward or direct speech. Due to the definition of prose referring to straigh forward communication, “prosaic” ha come from to mean dull and common place disource. When used as a literary term, however, prose doe not carry this connotation.Prose is a form of language that no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure rather than rhytmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry. In general, prose is a written word which is near to an ordinary,colloquial and oral speech and lack of a literary explanation, for example the prose of several inscriptions which is in a form of language and literary explanation in them that indicates the aim of creating a work in the form of Persian prose is not clear (Zarin Koob, 1986). Normal everyday speech is spoken in prose and most people think and write in prose form.prose comprises of full grammatical sentence and consist of paragraph. So, everyone can make work art prose to show to other people. In this prose, there for many type are nonfictional prose, fictional prose, heroic prose, and prose poetry.The author can write prose from some work poetry, novel, myth and the other work art of literature , so the author develop what the mean of prose with grammatical sentence that can be understood by reader when read the prose. Sometimes, the author put some work art to identify and analyze become prose that can be understood to the reader. For example in poetry by Robert Frost with the title is “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” . In poetry, the author can change this work art be prose fiction that be understood to reader, because the language is used of prose easily.
                        The second of literary fiction is tale, tale is comparatively simple narrative, either fiction or true, written or recounted orally in prose in verse. A tale often recounts a strange event, focusing on something or someone exotic, marvelous,or even supernatural. There are many kind of tales such as cumulative tales, talking beast tales, droll  and humorous, realistic tales, religious tales, romances, tales of magic, Pourqui tales, tall tales and folktales. Tales may be attributes to a particular author, whether their origin, tales tend to be relatively shorter narratives, nevertheless, the term is broad enough such that critics and authors have applied it to longer works ranging up to full length novels. The tale places more emphasis on actions and results than on character, which is the chief focus of a short story. Furthermore, tales are more casually constructed and consequently, far looser in terms of plot and structure than short stories, which bear mark of an author careful and conscious fashioning.It  is some story that not true, so it includes of some work art in literature. Sometimes, tale makes fantasy story to read of children.
                        Third of literary fiction is short story, short story is a work fiction that is shorter than novel, yet it also a complete narrative that focuses typically on a singe character. Unlike novels, which explore multipe plots and themes, short stories usually focus on a singgle theme or event. Deciding what exactly separates a short story from longer fictional formats is problematics. A classic definition of a short story is that one should be able to read it in one setting, the point most notably made in Edgar Allan Poe’s essay “Thomas Le Moineu (Le Moile)” (1846). Interpreting this standart nowdays is problematic, since the expected length of “Onne setting” may now be briefer than it was in Poe’s era. Other definition place the maximum word count of the short story at anywhere from 1.000 to 9.000 words.  The short is not merely a shortened novel. It shares, of course, the usual constiuent elements of all fiction, plot, character, and setting. These elements cannot be treated with the same setail as in a novel. Each element is to be reduced for an overall effect and impression. Hence, plot is confined to the essentials, the characters to the indispensable, and the setting to a few suggestive hints.
                        The last of literary fiction is novel, novel is a piece of prose fiction of a reasonable length. Even a definition as toothless as this, however is still too restricted. Not all novels are written in prose. There are novels in verse, like Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin or Vikram Set’s The Golden Gate. The point about the novel, however, is not just that it eludes definitions, but that it actively undermines them. it is less a genre than an anti genre. You can find poetry and dramatic dialogue in the novel, along with epic, pastoral, satire, history,elegy, tragedy and any number of other literary. On of the first great novels, then, warns us off novels. Reading fiction can drive you mad. If the reader read some novel, they can know about the character in the novel. They also feel, they are as actor in there. so, after they read it, they can tell the main point of novel. Every people can explore their experience in the work art for example in the novel.
                        In conclusion, literature is the work art with beautiful word are made by author to show to the reader. In there are two kind of literature fiction and non fiction. Fiction refers to prose stories based in imagination of authors. The work art fiction such as prose ,tale, short story and novel, but prose also include in non-fiction.

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