Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Analyze the subtitle in movie

Lu’lu Faridah
English Education of Department, Faculty of Education,
University of Technology Yogyakarta
    This article focuses how to undestanding people’s Indonesia in slang words of subtitle in movie. The cases of article is slang word of movie that is not translate by translator’s Indonesia. The researcher find out data slang words of movie “A Walk to Remember” with use theory interference. For theory people’s can understand the meaning of subtitle in movie.
Keywords : translation, slang word, interference.
     According  to  Newmark  (1981:7),  “Translation  is  a  craft consisting  in  the attempt to replace a written  message and or statement in one  language  by the same message and/or statement in another language.We know every country always has language that different, so they need translate some language from other language to their language. Translate that essay to use is English, because it become lingua franca in world. Sometime, some movie has subtitle to give the meaning of movie from other country that watch by them. Translator of Indonesia usually translate the language in other country to our country, so watcher of our country know the meaning of movie has given from other country. To translate subtitle in movie, we are not only translate subtitle from other country to our country , but also we must be prior to watch movie before we translate to Indonesian language.
     I will analize subtitle in movie such as “walk to Remember” from American is translated by translator from Indonesia and. People’s Indonesia has studied English before work in translator. We know, people’s Indonesia is foreign that study English, not native that can speak and write English very well. In my writen, I will analysis language is used by translator from Indonesia. I wrote about this, because of language that use suitable with grammar in English. From uses of language, we will know uses language of Indonesia in subtitle of movie and can differentiate language that uses, also get knowledge from this article.

Subtitling  is  the  process  of  translation  where  one language as source language is transfered into other language as the target language.For the subtitler,  subtitling  is  not  always  an  easy  job  because  it  has  some  constraints  and limitations.I will analysis “Slang Words” of “A Walk to Remember” movie is translated by translator in Indonesia. Translation technique were obtained from article,  which  were  the  original  source  text  and  its translation  in  Indonesia. For article I will identificate “Slang Words” of movie in Indonesia. For example of subtitle uses slang word of movie
ST : "Giddyap!" (Subtitle in English)                    (03:37)
                  TT : “Giddyap!” (subtitle in Indonesia)

When girlfriend of london’s friend to ask about it to her boyfriend to bring her, but he still walk to swimming pool. The subtitle is slang word, because in good English “Giddyap” has same meaning “get up”. The meaning of Cambridge Dictionary “get up” is “to do something”, often something that other people would disapprove of”, but in the movie the meaning of subtitle is “give command to to something”. When I analysis the movie, subtitle of slang word is not to translate in Indonesia but the text still use slang word in English. So translator from Indonesia still use slang word of subtitle to no meaning in Indonesia.
The study of language interference and attitude is part of sociolinguistic study. Interference is the inclusion of elements of one language into another language. For the cases is slang word of subtitle. I will anylize the cases used a theory interference, wherein I will focus to unerstanding people’s Indonesia of meaning or syntax  in slang word subtitle movie “A Walk to Remember”. The people’s Indonesia can understand of meaning in subtitle, although the sentence or phrase of subtitle are not translate to Indonesia language.
 For theory interference occurs when the syntactic structure of a language is absorded by the other language (Suwito, 1983:56). Interference can be seen in the use of syntatic fragments of words, phrases and clauses in sentence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:124). For example of the cases from English to Indonesia “Giddyap !!!”, so the meaning of Indonesia is Bangun !!!. The meaning of sentence in movie is girlfriend of london’s friend give command to bring her in back body of london’s friend. So, understanding people’s Indonesia to slang word of subtitle with meaning of the context in the movie. For the context people’s Indonesia can understand the meaning of sentence in subtitle, although the sentence is not translate by translator’s Indonesia. For understanding, they can know role of story in movie.

      Subtitle of movie “A Walk to Remember” that is traslated by translator’s Indonesia. This article find out the data slang word of subtitle in movie is not translate by translator’s Indonesia to Indonesia nlanguage. Althought the subtitle is not translate, but the watcher can understand the meaning of word slang in the movie. The theory interference is used of the cases. Within theory, we can know interfernce English  to Indonesia language.

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