Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hijab Trend among Muslimah

 Hijab Trend among Muslimah


     Hijab is a must for moslems especially women from a child until adult and it is purposed to cover their aurat. that's why woman in moslem has to cover their aurat from toe to top of their hair. one of them is called hijab and it's function to cover their head. in Indonesia, unfotunately, a lot of moslem woman doesn't want to wear hijab because of its style or it's looking just an ordinary thing and also it's not fashionable. hijab is not only to cover up aurat but also to help their performance more interesting and fashionable
     This 2016, there are many models of hijab with various kinds of design and color combination between some hijabs those are worn by moslem, hijab for party, hijab for daily and other. Nowadays, models of hijab are much enthused by women that want to cover their genitals with it. With this trend of hijab, women can cover their aurat with fashion they desire to. And many of them that wear hijab for daily usage and also perform their new look, not only for those who already wear the hijab but also for women those want to look better in fashion with hijab.
     This trend model of hijab is much enthused
or undergone by women that
want to learn about hijab or hijab women, because of what? 
recently, hijab is also worn to give stylist look and also be worn in any occasions without old-fashioned look. And we thank God of hijab style which is wearable by women that just migrated to keep her aurat covered with 2016 hijab trend without feeling ashamed. By wearing fashion stylist hijab, moslem women in Indonesia can create new hijab style they intended to with combination of many variants of hijab model and color to be fashionable any where any time.

Written by  : Alifah Nur Rohmah
Edited by  : Muhammad Rizkie L. H.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Red Carpet Captain America: Civil War was Surrounded by Fans and Actors

Red Carpet Captain America: Civil War was Surrounded by Fans and Actors

Marvels studio held World Premier event of Marvel's Captain America: Civil War on April 12nd 2016 in Hollywood. This event was very special because all actors of Marvel Cinematic Universe had attended in this event. The actors of Captain America: Civil War, and the other actors of Marvel Cinematic’s movies and TV stations such as Deredevil and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D also came to this event. The fans of this movie was surrounding the actors. While the actors wore their costumes, some of the fans were asking for the sign of the actors.
Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Anthony Mackie who had become the main characters of the Team Cap, they looked like were exploring the location of this event. On the other hand, Robert Downey Jr. and his spouse came by their sport car. In addition, the actors did not the one who attend this event. The directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, and manuscript authors such as Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeey also attended this event.
The legend author, Stan Lee who wrote Marvel Comics, gave his time to attend this event eventhough he was in his 93 years old. The reporter who reported this event gave the question to Stan Lee about which one the team that he will choose. He said that he chose Captain America, though he did not create the comic of Captain America.
This event got a support from Comicave Studio directly and expected  to make the fans and the actors of Captain America: Civil War by Marvel Studio getting closer. The location for this event is made as an exhibition. Sometimes, behind the scene and the trailer is also showed.
Captain America: Civil War will be showed in Indonesia’s Cinema Theater on April 28th  2016.

Reported by : Siti Nurline

Edited by : Himatul Khoiriyah

LGBT in Society

LGBT in Society, Yogyakarta - Sekartaji Ayuwangi, a physical therapy practitioner’s in Yogyakarta, expressed readiness to help the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender or (LGBT) as their positions were not fully accepted by the environment.
For that she was ready to provide treatment free of charge once a week.
Psychotherapy, he said, is necessary so that the perpetrators are not dropped. Actually, they have a potential.
She said that: "With the detox negative emotions and self development towards self-acceptance, will transform them into personal excellence that focus on the potential development for a better life., Monday (03/21/2016).
Usually, some of LGBT were accepted their statues from childhood until now so, it can be
Hurts them so deep, stress, trauma and kept them to them self.
Sekartaji also said there were several factors spark the LGBT behavior. 
There are some opinions from the experts. In general there is some spark
The first is physiological or biological factors. 
Second are psychodynamic factors which tend in psychosexual development disorder since childhood.Third, sosiokultur factors are customs or traditions. For instance in Indonesia as bissu in Makasssar, or gemblak in Ponorogo," he said.
And the last is the environment that triggers sexual perversion.
It can occur in people who are isolated, such as in prison.
The names of the sexual perversion, according Sekartaji it is more appropriate to describe the behavior of someone who commits sexual intimidation in others. 

Reported by : Resye Matulessy
Edited by : Anna Nurjanah

Monogatari UTY

(Yogya) The students of D3-Japanese Literature, faculty of Humanities University of Technology Yogyakarta will hold Monogatari UTY on Monday, 24th of April 2016. It is Japanese Festival event that brings theme “The Power of Fantasy”, by taking this theme they will hold several events such as Obake Yashiki, Bazaar Stands, Costreet (Cosplay Street), J-Community, Yosakai, Dance Cover, Chanoyu, etc. In this Japan Festival, they provide the space to the students of UTY to not only enjoy the event but also participate in several competitions. There are three categories of competitions. The first category is Academical Competition that consists of several competitions such as Bunpou, Rodoku and Kanji. The second category of the competition is General Competition that consists of the number of competitions such as Karaoke, Cover Dance, Cosplay and Manga. The last category of the competition is OTS Regist that consists of Yu-gi-oh and Eating Ramen Competition. To entertain and enliven the event, the commitee of Japanese Festival will present the guest stars such as Tsukiyomi, JAV, Ice Tea, The Agony, Gamburisu, Genk Sweg and Faku. They also establish cooperation with some sponsors such as Mirai, Waku Waku, Sushi Tei, Winpii, etc to support this event. They hope by bringing the theme “The Power of Fantasy” the students of UTY can enjoy the Japanese Festival event and recognize the Japanese culture.

Reported by: Heni Cari
Edited by: Yuliana Dwi Endah A 

English Class via Whatsapp

English Class via Whatsapp

                A volunteer, an anonymous man opens an English class for public learners via whatsapp. Whatsapp messenger application is used as the media to share knowledge about English. The name of English Class is Kami Guru. The man who opens English Class via whatsapp has an English course. He develops his course by opening this English Class for the learners that can be done via whatsapp.
                Everyone who wants to learn English can join this course for free. The learners only need to register themselves to Kami Guru by sending whatsapp message. The format of whatsapp message is,  typing  Jago Inggris_( Your name ) and then send the message to 087815579530. Lailatul Khusna (19 years old) , one of the English Education Department’s student in UIN Walisongo who joins this class said, “ it is very fun and the time is more efficient because we can learn English in Kami Guru wherever we are”.
                The system of learning English in Kami Guru is divided into many parts, it depends on the contract of participant. The learning is given twice a week. The materials  which are used in this class are  in text and audio form.  The admin of Kami Guru will send web adrdress for the learners who have registered themselves in Kami Guru to download the materials. Lailatul added, “ The audio that is sent by admin can be replied whenever we want”. According to her this class has weakness. The learners of this class can not see the teacher directly because the learning activity only through the text and audio instead of video. Learning English via whatsapp makes us easy to learn English.

Reported by : Himatul Khoiriyah (5141411016)
Edited by : Nggelis Ratna Gupita (5141411002)

No More Illegal Parking in Malioboro Street

No more illegal parking in Malioboro street

Since  4th of April 2016. The Malioboro street seems to have no more motorbikes parking by the edge of the street as the motor ways to the old parking spots are blocked with red fences, restricts the bikers from parking by the side of the road. Rather than have them to park their bikes on the new parking site, which is the Abu Bakar Ali Parking lot. This action was claimed to be one of several ways done by the Yogyakarta government to tear down the illegal parking issues and turn the side way of the street into a better and more comfortable place for pedestrians. Whose mostly are visitor or tourists to enjoy Malioboro in better and safer way. The government have also been planning on putting more facilities, such like gardens, rest points, tap waters and many more. The government also said that they will also plant some rare trees such as Gayam and Asem Jawa trees along the street of Malioboro.
The government action receives many good feed backs from the pedestrians and visitors, but surely were problems as well. As two of problems were the park mans who lose their job and also the walking distance from Abu Bakar Ali street to the other end of Malioboro street, which is the zero kilometer point that is quite far. But,  the government had already anticipated it by giving new jobs and compensation to the parkmans to handle the parking site in Abu Bakar Ali. And also by giving free shuttle bus facilities to pedestrians and visitors in Malioboro street.

Written by Muhammad Rizkie L. H.

Edited by Nensi N. Oktavianti

Friday, April 22, 2016

A Woman Homicide

A Woman Homicide
A woman founded was killed in her home in South Tangerang. The victim was killed by violence also robed by someone (11/04/2016) .According to the people who saw the accident, the victim was also looked walk alone in the quite place. Suddenly they heared the sound of the victim asking for help. Some parts of her body, there are brushed and some injuries. Several times later after the neighbor reported to the police office, the police brought the victim to executed.
The police still seek some evidences to arrest the criminal. The victim brought to her house after the police executed. After the police did execution the criminal is not one or two people because the police found some different evidence.
The police will search the more evidence to prove and reveal the criminal.

Reported by : Hamdu Abdul Isra’
Edited by : Dian Harumsari 



Ki Kusumo reported Zaskia Gothic to the police because the sentence that insult Pancasila . Zaskia Gothic said that, the emblem of Pancasila number five is “Bebek Nungging “ when he as a host in one of the private television (21/03/2016).

 Zaskia Gothic confess very repent and apologize to Ki Kusumo and all people in Indonesia . Ki Kusumo said that,Zaskia Gothic must kiss the flag of Indonesia  if want to apologize. After apologize, Zaskia Gothic  instead get the ambassador of pancasila.

 Many people don’t agree with appreciation that given to Zaskia Gothic because she not proper to accept appreciation, whereas she don’t understood about Pancasila.

 Artist Leony Vitria Hartanti said on Instagram @Leonyvh ,Friday (04/08/2016) wrote in irony of ex girl friend Vicky Prasetyo, ex personel Trio Kwek Kwek wrote as comment on screen shoot news tittle is “Designated to ambassador of Pancasila , Zaskia Gothic confused” ,on the news Zaskia Gothic confused about her duties when elected as an ambassador of Pancasila. I wonder that Zaskia Gothic become ambassador of Pancasila she is not yet understood.

Reported by : Ana nurjanah (5141411015)
Edited by     : Hamdu abdul isra

The Taxi Driver Vs Gojek Driver

The Taxi Driver Vs Gojek Driver

            The demonstrations taxi driver who are members of Paguyuban Pengemudi Angkutan Darat (PPAD) make incident with Gojek Driver. The problem is the taxi driver demand for the closure of transport service online, Gojek app. The incident stems from the sweeping action by the mass of demonstrator taxi drivers. The incident happened in Pemuda street, Senayan City.
This incident is unfortunate. Basically they are some profession and looking for money. The society are very concerned with this accident because they think that it just loses out the demonstrator’s time and energy and it does not solve the problem.
The demonstrator make assumption that Gojek isn’t mentioned in the transportation ministry’s request. Perhaps for this reason they ask a justice to the government. Hopefully with this accident, the government can solve this problem.
Gojek is alternative transportation in Jakarta. Gojek is not so different with regular ojek or taxi, because we can take Gojek from our smartphone. The emergence of Gojek make some people more helped but there are groups or community of people who do not agree with it. Like the case, the demonstrations taxi drivers feel that Gojek make them difficulty to find costumer. The problem is the costumer better choose the Gojek because it’s cheap and it usually comes out well below a regular taxi or ojek.

Reported by : Wahyu Trianto
Editor by : Alifah Nur Rohmah

Fate of 10 Indonesian Sailors

Fate of 10 Indonesian Sailors
Hijackers are holding 10 Indonesian sailors in Philippine. The Philippine military said that hijacking occurred on Saturday, 26th of March. The hijackers are also holding 2 ships, named Brahma 12 and Barge ship Anand 12. The hijackers are a militant Islamic group, Abu Sayyaf. The company that owns their ships know that the ships are hijacking because someone who claim the member of Abu Sayyaf group has called them twice.
The Ministry of defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu said that 10 Indonesian sailors are still healthy.Ryamizard Ryacudu also said that efforts to rescue has three ways, they are diplomacy, negotiation and military operation.
DPR asked the government to take the path with negotiation for realizing 10 Indonesian sailors that hijacking by Abu Sayyaf group. In Basilan island, 18 of Philipphines military and 5 members of militant Islamic group Abu Sayyaf also were killed.
“the name of military operation there are must be a victim, so the best way is negotiation” said Ryamizard Ryacudu when in ministry of defense building, Jakarta, on Thursday April 13.
The effort to release 10 Indonesia sailors, the Indonesian government is looking for step that negotiation with money will be prepared by the company.
Abu Sayyaf group, that is led by Al-Habfy Misaya and Jim Dragon, hostaged 10 Indonesian sailors.
Siddiq said that the military operation of Philippine government failed. This gives important clue to Indonesian government to release 10 Indonesian sailors by considering the humanitarian approach through negotiation way. He also said that if the government’s top priorities are release 10 Indonesian sailors, the government must take the negotiation way because it is the best step to release the 10 Indonesian sailors.
For information, Abu Sayyaf has a history of using small motorized boats to abduct or hijack people from vessels and resorts in the southwestern Philippines and from eastern Malaysia.

Reported by : Nur Azizah Solikhatun
Editor by : Wahyu Trianto

Thursday, April 21, 2016


“UTY student’s activity setting creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership (CEL) coping with competitiveness in new MEA and WTO”
Prof. Bambang Hartadi, PhD, MM, CPA, the rector of UTY gave the introduction in UTY CEL Competition’s discussion in February, 2016.
In this discussion, the rector of UTY was also accompanied by Dr.Tri Gunarsih, MM, the vice rector of Academic and Student Program; Dr. Bambang Moertono, S. MM, Akt, CA, the vice rector of Strategy Program, and the Corporate Secretary of UTY, Bahagia Tarigan, SE, MSi, Akt, CA.
The discussion about UCC 2016 is the continuation program of UTY which was ever held on The Sahid Rich Hotel. This discussion was talking about UCC that will be held on 23th of April till 4th of June, 2016. In this program, there will be some kinds of competition which can be participated by all students from several majors in UTY.
Related to the discussion about UCC 2016, some deputies of rector hope students through this program can create and grow the creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership of student. The student can also practice their skill in their daily life to prepare and face MEA.
Not only to make and grow the student’s ability, but the deputies of rector also want to support and increase the student’s.
Reported by : Lu’lu Faridah

Edited by : Fatmawati Setia U

The Students want Mr.Suryo to Change Schedule.

The Students want Mr.Suryo to Change Schedule.

Mr. Sayit Abdul Karim is the head of English Education Department in University of Technology Yogyakarta. Last week, he said that the schedule can be changed by student.  He also explained the method to change the schedule. There were three methods. The first method was, student must ask permission to their lecture. The second was, the student looked for the empty room and the last method was, the student must ask Mr. Sayit’s permission. University of Technology Yogyakarta had the good procedure. It was the important method for student of English Education Department in University of Technology Yogyakarta.

               The student of English Education Department in University of Technology Yogyakarta wanted to change the schedule because they wanted to shorten the time. They also had known that Mr. Sayit Abdul Karim will go to Malaysia. Mr. Sayit was accompanied by Mr. Juhansar. They went to there for presentation about Service Learning. Service learning was the good topic to be discussed.

               The first method was, student must ask permission to their lecture. It was the good method. The permission was very important because they really needed permission from Mr. Suryo. It can give us information that Mr. Suryo wanted to change his schedule. Hence, you needed to finish this method.

               The second was, the student looked for the empty room. Hence they must look for the room, after they got the empty room, the needed permission from “BO”. It was also good method.

               The last method was, the student must ask Mr. Sayit’s permission.  As you known that Mr. Sayit went to Malaysia. Hence, you can use BBM or Facebook to ask him about it. They did not need much time, because Mr. Sayit answered their message from BBM and Facebook. As you known that it really helped them.

Author : M. Eko saputro

Editor : Resye Matulessy



English Speaking Society (ESS) University of Technology Yogyakarta held Internal Selection for NUDC 2016. This was the preparation to join National University Debating Championship (NUDC). 
ISNUDC is a regular event that is always presented every year. The participants are the students of University of Technology Yogyakarta. They are registered in teams which consist of 2 students in each team. It applies British Parliamentary Debate that needs 4 teams. 
The committee of ISNUDC 2016 prepared the technical meeting in 3rd of April 2016, at 12.30 AM. The Launching of prepared motion and systematic debate was delivered by the one of adjudicators. It would be a case that was possible to be built in debating.
Some participants did simulations of debate in campus 3 to know the system of debate overall. Oktavian, as the coach guided them to pass the process of debate. He said that “the key of this debate is, don’t be under time”. The participants needed 5 to 7 minutes to deliver their arguments. The basic knowledge of debating was very essential to deliver the goals.
The main agenda was opened by Dr. Y. Radjaban in campus 3 of UTY. He opened this event officially. Prabowo, as the chairman of committee gave a speech that purposed to motivate the participants. It could improve the skills in critical thinking because this debate was the battle of logic . The event was guided by four adjudicators, three of them were from UTY and one of them was from UNY. Burhanudin Arif, the adjudicator from UNY delivered the introduction with showing 16 teams of debate. The best speakers who would be representative of UTY could be from different teams.
They were divided into four chambers that debated the same motion. They needed to pass three preliminary rounds. The best speakers were from the accumulated score of preliminary rounds even though they could not reach final. In the end of the event, all adjudicators announced that the winner was from Fujoshi team. Burhanudin Arif reminded the participants to keep spirit in debate and do not give up because of the result. The participants needed to respect the long process that was very precious. ISNUDC was closed with taking a picture. This event hopefully could gather the talents of UTY students especially in debating.

Author : Yuliana Dwi Endah Arumsari

Editor : Muhammad Eko Saputro

New Online Application of Transportation “UberMotor”

New Online Application of Transportation “UberMotor”

UberMotor is a new online application of transportation such as Go-Jek and Grab-Bike. This is not only the newest application, but also UberMotor is a kind of the new competitor besides Go-Jek and Grab-Bike. UberMotor has a low price, the basic tariff of UberMotor is Rp.1.000,00, while the tariff/kilometer is Rp.1.000,00,-.
Uber Indonesia made taxi application and it was success before UberMotor. In Jakarta, Arif Muhammad as the star of social network and YouTube, he is the first person who tries this application and has a trip by UberMotor. He is not only has a trip by riding a motorcycle, but he also records his unique experience and upload it in YouTube.
UberMotor has superiority, the user can pay in cash, via credit card, or debit card. To celebrate this new application, UberMotor gives free trip for each first user of this application until 11th of July, 2016. The user can use this application by inputting promotion code “UberMOTORJKT”, and the user will get free trip with uber for amount Rp.75.000, 00,-.
Beside that, after the user use the application, they are asked to upload their comments and their photos about first experience for using UberMotor in social media account like twitter and instagram @uber_jkt by giving hashtag #UberMotor, is purposed to five more interest post will get a gift Uber-Card for amount Rp.100.000, 00,-.

Reported by: Fatmawati Setia Utami
Edited by: Siti Nurline

The Drug Smuggling Methamphetamine revealed

The Drug Smuggling Methamphetamine revealed

Jakarta,The new mode in the smuggling of narcotics type of methamphetamine has been revealed. The syndicate used the cocoa tins to deceive the authorities. Director of Drug Polda Metro Jaya, Senior Commissioner Eko Daniyanto said “the emergence of new modes in the drug smuggling syndicate is an attempt to fool the authorities”
“Maybe for one year, because we have already seized one ton of seven kilograms, maybe they (use the new mode) how this so as not to be detected.” Said Eko, told the reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarter, Jakarta Wednesday (04/13/2016).
However, the Police managed to uncover the smuggling of methamphetamine in liquid chocolate that packing in cans is the new mode. Crystal meth in Chocolate Packing is sent to Jakarta by courier. Package “brown meth” is alleged closely associated with the syndicate in China, it were arrested by anti-narcotics in China. Polda Metro Jaya uncovered almost 300 cases. Four of the most prominent case is the disbursement of methamphetamine were successfully that confide. They are 4 foreign citizens and 5 are the Indonesian citizens.
In addition to a package of “chocolate Crystal meth”. The drugs Ditresnarcotic III Sub Ciity Police led by Superintendent Arman Asmara also reveal liquid methamphetamine. “This liquid crystal meth informed and have long found in our mapping Clandestaid lab, so there is the delivery of Iran-made air we cooperate with customs, we test it turned out that the quality of liquid methamphetamine from Iran” said Eko. The Police conduct controlled deliveries to 72 cans weigh total of 54 kilograms it to the shipping office in Rawamangun, East Jakarta. “after resealed, we follow to expedition Aramex in Rawamangun. We wait information by the consignee on behalf Borzord Lafmajani, Syanniarbalias Hosein, Iran citizen and one citizen on behalf than Stanly” He said.

Reported by: Dian Harum Sari

Edited by: Eko Adi Bintoro

Sony Launches New Product Xperia X and Xa

Sony Launches New Product Xperia X and XA
Barcelona, The biggest smartphone factory from Japan, Sony has launched the new products to complete the family of Xperia  X-series in Mobile World Congress 2016. The new products are Sony  Xperia X and Xperia XA. Both of them have same design, but the differences is in the features and specifications. Xperia X and XA was launched before Z6, They believed their new products can go to global market as famous as Xperia Z-series. Their sales target is focused to middle class economy. Xperia X and XA come with premium metal finish on the back case with 4 attractive colors, red, black, gold and white. Their design is similiar with Xperia Z-series, it means that Sony still uses Omnibalance Design for their new smartphone products.
From Monday (22/2/2016), The specification of Xperia X uses Hexa-core processor Snapdragon 650, with 3GB of RAM and 32 GB internal storage. Meanwhile, the specification of Xperia XA uses Quad-core MT6755, with 2GB of RAM, and 16GB internal storage. The Xperia XA price cheaper than Xperia X.
Xperia X has 23 megapixels in main camera and 13 megapixels in secondary camera with Hybrid Auto Focus Object, in another hand Xperia XA has 13 megapixels in main camera and 5 megapixels in secondary camera. Both of them is equipped with 5-inch screen. Xperia X has 1080pixels resolution and Xperia XA only has 720pixels resolution. It shows that Xperia X is more clearly than Xperia XA in the screen display.
Sony used small battery capacity, but they believe that their phones can survive up to 2 days without charging. the bad news is Sony only released the product, but they did not give the specific price for their new smartphones and when their smartphones will distribute to global market.

Reported by : Eko Adi Bintoro
Editor by : Lu’lu faridah


THE ROLE OF YOUNG GENERATION IN COUNTER-TERRORISM 1.       Introduction Thesis statement : The young generation is majority target from...