Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Job Mrs. Ir.Dian Yudhawati, S.Psi, M.Si, M.Psi, Psikolog

The Job Mrs. Ir.Dian Yudhawati, S.Psi, M.Si, M.Psi, Psikolog

Mrs.Ir.Dian Yudhawati, S.Psi, M.Si, M.Psi, Psikolog are from Jakarta. She is alumnus from University of PGRI Yogyakarta. She is a lecture of University of Technology Yogyakarta to teach student about psychology. As lecture is Tridharma Advance Instituation, so the lecture do education and teaching. She has three activity such as teaching, research, and perpetetuation of society.
The first is teaching, she teach three student are Psychology student, Counseling Guidence student, Industry Engineering. She teach about Industrial and Organization material to Psychology and Counseling Guidence she also teach Industrial Psychology material to Industry Engineering.
            The second is research, she has writen her research since she still as student. She has been motivated from the job her husband that work as manager in department store Matahari. Now, her husband still as manager in Hartono mall. She also wrote some book about “Memaknai Hidup Dalam Kumpulan Kisah Resimen Mahasiswa”. The book is first her work. She wrote the book, because she is alumnus Resimen Student in University PGRI Yogyakarta.
            The last is perpetetuation of society. She gave training about integrity and speech to Resimen Student. She gave it, because she is alumnus Resimen Student in 1987. She also gave consultancy to listener in radio UTY FM. She also gave consultancy to student in University of Technology Yogyakarta by Student Service. She was being speaker Sexsual Education in University of Proclamation.
            She has many experience, when she work in University of Technology Yogyakarta such as teaching, research and perpetetuation of society.

Reported by : Lu’lu Faridah

Tuesday, May 17, 2016



The overweight is big problem for ladies and gentlman, some people looking for good health and perfect body, almost people couldnt comfortable with they weight, especially to young people, then there are many diets tips, of course the tips to lose overweight, sometime people couldnt do all the tips of diet, we as indonesian people also looking easy diet.
There are some popular kind of diets tips on indonesia, such as OCD diet method, this method made by Dedy Corbuzier, diet with this method couldnt forbid people to eat anything. The people that do this diet method do the fastbreak, but the space of fastbreak is 4, 6, and 8 hours, when the people in the space of fastbreak, the people just could drink the water.
No taste diet method is effective diets tips to lost overweight of indoesian people, this method the people that do this method, could eat everything like OCD method, but without extra flavor, such salt and sugar or other flavor. Usually the food that use this method is cook by boiled.
The last tips, is the method without counsume the rice. Rice is source overweight of asian people, especially indonesian people, this method is the key of succes people to lose overweight, from these tips that most popular in indonesia, you can choose what do you like, or easier tips, you also could choose all method, but you also continue the suggestion of these tips. If you shouldnt satisfied with these tips, you could try other method from another country, such as eating broccoli, lemon, or cardio training, such running and sport at gym, there are many diet method in this world, but you must do the method, dont hold it out !, the big key is in your hands, dont think !, just do it !.

Writter :           Fadhel muhammad fito

Jogja bay

Jogja bay

Jogja bay is waterpark located on the village of jogja, very baeautiful, the first word came out from people heart. There are some tree outside jogja bay, the waterpark so different from other country, people would be response with beautiful girl on the ticket room. The people could seeing amazing waterpark when pass of first gate, people could see everything, inside jogja bay, there are some unique caffe, the view of caffe like a boat, this is the first thing indonesian people could’nt see like this at other country.
Jogja bay opened six month ago, but the quality of waterpark would be pay when you play some water vehicle, and there are many baeautiful gazebo, the people especially a family could enjoy the view, some time the feeling inside gazebo like inside bali iland. Fun and fun, the people just feel fun inside jogja bay, even a family or teenager couple, jogja bay waterpark so amazing and fantastic.
Sometimes , there is a magician show his talent at every corner of caffe. when three a clock the people could watching drama show, Captain gonzo and friend would be entertain the people with some action, dance, and fire acrobatic, finally at the end of show the people could taking photo with player of drama, there are bautiful angel at the corner of show with blue dress.
After taking photo, the people could going home with some merchandise inside boat, such as clothes, hat, sticker and other unique merchandise from jogja bay.

Writer by Fadhel M Fito

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Work is Devotion

Work is Devotion
            Widi Andari S.Pd, S.Kom, was the woman from Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. The student called her Mrs. Widi. She was working in University of Technology Yogyakarta being library-keeper. She gave good service to student that they need. She graduated from her study with two scholar programs before work in University of Technology Yogyakarta. The first, she got academic title S.Pd of Entreprenuer Education and S.Kom of Computer Engenering.
            After she graduated from her study, she chose teaching in Senior High School 1 Purworejo, Central Java until one year. Then, she move her job in convection business in Bandung. She not only worked in Bandung, but also she had several experience in Malang, Purwokerto, until Bandar Lampung. After she worked in several place in Indonesia, she found herself that working is devotion. She found herself, so she decided teaching. She taught with love feeling and gave confortable to students.
            In begining, she applied in STIMIK Dharma Bangsa. Then, it joined with University of Technology Yogyakarta. She worked since University of Tecnology Yogyakarta that build. She began the lecture to teach in there. After several times, she moved  being head of Operational Devision and in the last she moved being library-keeper until now.

            Within marketing to introduce University of Technology to society, she related with alumnus to introduce in their place. She said “it is some method that effective to introduce University of Technology Yogyakarta”. She gave many motivation to student and alumnus in University of Technology Yogyakarta. In addition, her life story wrote by Dr. Kuncoro in his work.
Reported by: Lu'lu Faridah

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cafetaria in University of Technology Yogyakarta

Cafetaria in University of Technology Yogyakarta


University of Technology Yogyakarta is located in Ringroad Utara streat, Sleman Yogyakarta. It has four cafetaria in back of campus. The distance between campus and cafetaria are not far, so it can reached by students, lecturs and staf of campus. The student usually come to there, after they finished study in the class. All cafetaria appear to south and in a row one cafetaria and the other, so the student can choose the food will bought by them. 

 Those cafetaria provide some food and drink to customer. It open 07.00 am until 06.30 pm. The price of foods and drinks are standart to student, lecture and staff in University of Technology Yogyakarta.The waiters cafetaria give the best service to customer.The cafetaria usually crowd of about student  lecture and staf of campus.After eating, the student seldom sit around doing nothing after they have fininshed study in campus.

Reported by : Lu’lu faridah



THE ROLE OF YOUNG GENERATION IN COUNTER-TERRORISM 1.       Introduction Thesis statement : The young generation is majority target from...