Tuesday, March 28, 2017


1.      Introduction
Thesis statement : The young generation is majority target from terrorism to develop next generation from their community, they have factors to join terrorism and they have role to prevent  action terrorism of young generation.
2.      Main Body
a.       The factor of young generation to join in terrorism
b.      The role young generation to prevent terrorism

3.      Conclusion
The role of  young generation to prevent terrorism and to avoid the factor that can make them join in terrorism community.

The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Terrorism

Topic                           : The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Terrorism
General Purpose          : To inform
Spesific Purpose          : To inform my audience to know about the role of young generation.
Central Idea                : 1. The factor of young generation join in terrorism
                                      2.The young of generation to know how to prevent action terrorism

Good morning ladies and getleman
First of all, let me thank all for coming here today. I would like to begin by introducing myself. My name is Lu’lu Faridah, and I am from English Education Department. Today, I would like to talk about “The Role of Young Generation in Counter-Torrorism”. My speech is 5 minutes. My topic is important to you know, becuase it can be reference to us to prevent terrorism in our country.
Terorism is the activity from human community by violence to society to get their purpose. Talk about terrorism, in erlier years many isue about terorism such as bom suitcide,plowing, and other isue. Actually, terrorism already has existed since century of independence by method and strategy and tackling that different from time by time. In globalization era, the goverment has declarated about BNPT (National Corporation of Terorrism Tacking) to prevent the action from terrorism. From the isue, society must be careful to face action of terorrism especially in young generation. I would like to discusse about the role young generation in counter-terrorism. The young generation is a majority target of terrorism to develop next generation, because terroism more closer to young generation. So, they can influence young generation by easily. There are some factors that influence young generation to join in terrorism and they have role to  prevent to action terrorism of young generation.
The young generation have reason to join terrorism, some factors that influence them are domestic, international and cultural . The first factor is domestic, it is the condition of people such as poverty, injustice or disillusion of some people to goverment in country. The people are poor and feel injustice in their country will easy to join in terrorism, because terorrism will give money and some justice when they want to join and do violence in country. The second factor is international, it is the influence from external enviroment to motivate them follow the bad their activity. The influence is given by external country makes several people to join in terorrism.The last factor is culture, the culture can make some people to move their mind to follow the terrorism. In indonesia has many culture, sometime from contrast culture can make some people to act violence and join in terorrism. In all factor, it is not well to follow when we have knowledge abou it and we do not follow by easy the invitation from terrorism. So, we must be careful and know about the strategy from terrorism, in order to we do not join it and do violence to other people.
The action from terrorism is more dangerous from us, because they can act violence and broke the concilitation in our country. So, the young of generation have prevent terrorism to dincrease the network terrorism in Indonesia. They can increase their knowledge and filter some news from social media, in order to they can not follow and give positive action in their country. Sometime social media is being tool by terrorism to develop and introduce their community. As young generation, we can participate to prevention terrorism such as :
1.      To support conciliation effort from goverment, organization, or individual.
2.      To make small community to campagin conciliation, it can do from our enviroment.
3.      Learning and increase our knowledge about conciliation.
There prevention can discrase violence action from terrorism, because the action can broke the mind of young generation in Indonesia. The young generation can do all prevention and participate from effort from goverment and do positive action that can make young generation be careful to face terrorism.

            The conclude, terrorism have many strategy to invite young generation  be member in their community. So, every young of generation in Indonesia to know their strategy by increase our knowledge and filter the new in social media. But, the young generation have role to prevent terrorism and avoid the factor that can make them join in terrorism community.

Holiday in Baturaden

“Genre Based Writing”
Holiday in Baturaden

           Purwokerto has some place that beautiful to vocation destination by tourism from other country in Indonesia. Sometime, every people spent their holiday in the Baturaden. Last time, it is opened some flower green in the Baturaden by Goverment’s Purwokerto. Many kind of flower and plant grow in Baturaden. Most people come to Baturaden to enjoy with natural air and scene that available in Baturaden Purwokerto. The tourism felt enjoy, when they stay and spent their time with family or friends together in Baturaden. The tourism that far from Baturaden can stay several time in Hotel in around of Baturaden. Baturaden has presented many kind of flower and plant, but the price is not expensive.
           Last time, I and my friend have planning when I have several time in my house after come back from Yogyakarta to going to Baturaden. I have holiday four days in the house, so I can spent my holiday with my friend. I went to Baturaden use motorcycle’s friend. He picked up me in my house and I waited him, before he arrive in my house. When he arrived in my house, we just go to Baturaden. I pillion with him by motorcycle together. I have felt enjoy beside him, because he is so kind to me. I have coming off in Purbalingga Plaza before I come to Baturaden. Purbalingga Plaza is not far from my house, although my country is different it. Purbalingga Plaza is so fun and many people set down and spent time to fun with their family and love’s people in their life. I and my friend saw the cristmas day’s beside Purbalingga Plaza. We spent our time in the Purbalingga Plaza a few minutes, because we felt tired after walking from Banjarnegara.
           The way to Baturaden, we spent our time one hour from Purbalingga Plaza. We passed away several ways in the around street before we arrived in Batuuraden. I saw cow rancher and plantation to feed cow beside it. Many cow are kept by racher in Purwokerto. When we have arrived in Baturaden, we just get two tickets so as to we can enter into Garden’s Baturaden. The first to visit is Flower’s place that so beautiful with many kind of flower into Baturaden. Many people felt enjoy beutifully of place is given by panoramic in Baturaden. The beautiful panoramic has given comfortablec to tourism into place. We arounded several place into Baturaden and took picture in every place is visited by us. I felt  fresh when enjoy panoramic to lose my negative thinking in my mind.
           We have arounded several place, so we will came back to our house. When we arrived in some place, we stopped to see waterfall beside street to come back in our house. We stopped a few minutes and taked a photo before come back to our house. Than, we continue our walk to our house. We felt hungry, so I suggest to my friend to stop in some restaurant to eat a few minute. We eaten in some restaurant in Purbalingga. A few minutes we have finished eat, so we went to Garden Park to rest in there. We set down and take a breath air in there. The air so fresh and made me felt slept. Than, we came back to our house with a few minutes from Garden Park.
           I have arrived in my house and my friend just come back to his house, because his house in purwokerto. Although we spent our holiday only one day, but we felt happy to went in Baturaden together. I hope, we can spent our holiday next time together with other good place that more beautiful.


Analyze Novel "The Education of Little Tree"

Lu’lu Faridah
English Education of Department, Faculty of Education, University of Technology Yogyakarta
       This article focuses how to analyze part of novel “The Education of Little Tree”. The focuses is three ideas. The researcher write the background of author and summarize the story of novel.The researcher used a theory marxism to analysis the novel.  The result of data is found, the emphasize of character subject in the novel. For article, the researcher to describe relationship between the data with theory has used.
Keywords :background of author, summarize part of novel, and theory marxism.

       Novel is some some work art is written by writer with beutiful word, rhyme, style and other element that obtain into novel. From the novel we can get knowledge is given by writer. To write novel, we must study literature to know the method make some novel and other work art become the best art.
       I will analyse some novel “The Education of Little tree” is written by Asa Earl Carter. Asa Carter was a speechwriter for Alabama politician George Wallace in the 1960s, but gained more fame in the '70s and '80s as novelist Forrest Carter, whose book "The Education of Little Tree" was a bestseller. He was born 04 September in Oxford, Alabama in 1925, the second eldest of four children. Carter served in the United States Navy during World War II and for a year studied journalism at the University of Colorado on the G.I. Bill. After the war, he married India Thelma Walker. The couple settled in Birmingham, Alabama and had four children.He began work on his first novel, spending days researching in Sweetwater's public library. The novel has publicated in 1976. I think the novel is the best, because in this novel, the witter tell about his memoir in his life with his Granfather. After Carter died (from injuries he got in a 1979 fistfight), it was revealed that he was, in fact, Asa Earl Carter, a former radio announcer and Ku Klux Klan member, and that his "autobiography" was a work of fiction.
       In the wintertime, Ganpa, Granma and grandson went to forrest to leaves and put them on the corn patch. They flatten corn patch in around sloping side mountain.
       Grandson liked gathering the leaves and putting them in the sack. Thus also Granpa and Granma help him in other sack. After they finished them, they just come out from forest and back to field.They never do something very long, beacuse it made them bored. So, they ussually spent thier time with enjoy in the house. When they still busy with thier activity, Granma made ingredient to medicine.
       Leaves that into sack has got wet, so they just ask Ol’ Sam to plow field. Ol’ Sam is some mule. Left eyes’s mule cannot see and he is old, so they must be patient to plow the field by Ol’ Sam.
       One day, when they walked down to cabin, then they go to kitchen to eat together with Granma. When they saw someone in outsidehouse, and obvious he is Pine Billy. They just ask him to enter in the house and eat  together. Granpa and Granma like him and just also me. Then, Pine Billy told to them about feller that stay in around settlement. He said, he is from Chicargo, but he is got a Illinoys tag on his car. Smokehouse knowed he had him, because he has been lie to us. Altough feller has been lie, Pine Billy has given punishment to him, because he has distrubed social in the settlement.
       Pine Billy said them big fellers didn’t take no chances, not with their money;that was why they was rich. The, Pine Billy come back by the table and got the piece of sweet tater pie. Pine Billy eat together with Granpa’s family and then he played his finddle by pretty and he sung”Red Wing”.
       I went to sleep in the cabin. I dreamed that Pine Billy came to our cabin and he was rich and hadd a tow sack on his shoulder. It was full of sweet’ taters.
       The novel is interest to read. I read part of novel from “The Education of Little Tree” by Asa Earl Catter. The author used marxism when he written the novel. The author written story about the teaching of little tree that get something to aplicate in our life. The story tell about someone has the best attitude for other people and to againt fellers that made damage in the settlement. His name is Pine Billy. He is so rich, but he is not arrogant to other people and he always help them. He always has good attitude and to defeator justificatation in the settlement.
       Marxism is a theory that think the capitalist collecting money with sacrified proletariants. I will focus the marxism in the story, because the story emphasize character of someone in story that carry well to lead a life. For life every someone is not easy, but every people have to fight in their life to get what they want. Needful every someone is many to vindicate their life, so they must be advantages their riches to cram needful everyone in life. Pine Billy has given good example to walking our life and advantage our times to goodness. From the theory of marxism, everyone can get knowledge in society and good attitude to walking the life. The relationship everyone in the society is important to increase development incomplete in our life. The author write the story of part “The Education of Little Tree” has obtain several aspect social in life such as benign, kind, polite and good attitude are given by subject in the story that can get of reader.
       The story of novel is written by Asa Earl Carter in the part of “The Education of Little Tree” tell about the character of Pine Billy who has good attitude and not arrogant to other people, although he is so rich and has many riches in his life. Pine Billy turned to theory marxism that fighting the crime from the poeple have kapitalism in their life of settlement and give defect to society.

Carter, forrest, . The Education of Little Tree. United State : Decorate Press,1976.
http://www.enotes.com/topics/education-little/html.  [03 January 2016]
http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-education-of-little-tree-1998.[03 January 2016 ]
http://www.infoplease.com/biography/var/asacarter.html. [03 January 2016]
https://en.wikipedia.org/ The Education of Little Tree. [03 January 2016]
http://www.teraskita.files.wordpress.com/2015/html. [20 December 2015]

Analyze the subtitle in movie

Lu’lu Faridah
English Education of Department, Faculty of Education,
University of Technology Yogyakarta
    This article focuses how to undestanding people’s Indonesia in slang words of subtitle in movie. The cases of article is slang word of movie that is not translate by translator’s Indonesia. The researcher find out data slang words of movie “A Walk to Remember” with use theory interference. For theory people’s can understand the meaning of subtitle in movie.
Keywords : translation, slang word, interference.
     According  to  Newmark  (1981:7),  “Translation  is  a  craft consisting  in  the attempt to replace a written  message and or statement in one  language  by the same message and/or statement in another language.We know every country always has language that different, so they need translate some language from other language to their language. Translate that essay to use is English, because it become lingua franca in world. Sometime, some movie has subtitle to give the meaning of movie from other country that watch by them. Translator of Indonesia usually translate the language in other country to our country, so watcher of our country know the meaning of movie has given from other country. To translate subtitle in movie, we are not only translate subtitle from other country to our country , but also we must be prior to watch movie before we translate to Indonesian language.
     I will analize subtitle in movie such as “walk to Remember” from American is translated by translator from Indonesia and. People’s Indonesia has studied English before work in translator. We know, people’s Indonesia is foreign that study English, not native that can speak and write English very well. In my writen, I will analysis language is used by translator from Indonesia. I wrote about this, because of language that use suitable with grammar in English. From uses of language, we will know uses language of Indonesia in subtitle of movie and can differentiate language that uses, also get knowledge from this article.

Subtitling  is  the  process  of  translation  where  one language as source language is transfered into other language as the target language.For the subtitler,  subtitling  is  not  always  an  easy  job  because  it  has  some  constraints  and limitations.I will analysis “Slang Words” of “A Walk to Remember” movie is translated by translator in Indonesia. Translation technique were obtained from article,  which  were  the  original  source  text  and  its translation  in  Indonesia. For article I will identificate “Slang Words” of movie in Indonesia. For example of subtitle uses slang word of movie
ST : "Giddyap!" (Subtitle in English)                    (03:37)
                  TT : “Giddyap!” (subtitle in Indonesia)

When girlfriend of london’s friend to ask about it to her boyfriend to bring her, but he still walk to swimming pool. The subtitle is slang word, because in good English “Giddyap” has same meaning “get up”. The meaning of Cambridge Dictionary “get up” is “to do something”, often something that other people would disapprove of”, but in the movie the meaning of subtitle is “give command to to something”. When I analysis the movie, subtitle of slang word is not to translate in Indonesia but the text still use slang word in English. So translator from Indonesia still use slang word of subtitle to no meaning in Indonesia.
The study of language interference and attitude is part of sociolinguistic study. Interference is the inclusion of elements of one language into another language. For the cases is slang word of subtitle. I will anylize the cases used a theory interference, wherein I will focus to unerstanding people’s Indonesia of meaning or syntax  in slang word subtitle movie “A Walk to Remember”. The people’s Indonesia can understand of meaning in subtitle, although the sentence or phrase of subtitle are not translate to Indonesia language.
 For theory interference occurs when the syntactic structure of a language is absorded by the other language (Suwito, 1983:56). Interference can be seen in the use of syntatic fragments of words, phrases and clauses in sentence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:124). For example of the cases from English to Indonesia “Giddyap !!!”, so the meaning of Indonesia is Bangun !!!. The meaning of sentence in movie is girlfriend of london’s friend give command to bring her in back body of london’s friend. So, understanding people’s Indonesia to slang word of subtitle with meaning of the context in the movie. For the context people’s Indonesia can understand the meaning of sentence in subtitle, although the sentence is not translate by translator’s Indonesia. For understanding, they can know role of story in movie.

      Subtitle of movie “A Walk to Remember” that is traslated by translator’s Indonesia. This article find out the data slang word of subtitle in movie is not translate by translator’s Indonesia to Indonesia nlanguage. Althought the subtitle is not translate, but the watcher can understand the meaning of word slang in the movie. The theory interference is used of the cases. Within theory, we can know interfernce English  to Indonesia language.

Aditya Darma, I.N. (2011). “An Analysis of Subtitling Strategies in The Magic of Belle Isle Movie”. [Online], 7 halaman. Tersedia : http:// www.ojs.unud.ac.id [25 December 2015].
Asti Supriyanto, R. (2012). “Grammatical Interference from English into Indonesian Language Made by English Native Speakers in Salatiga”, 19 halaman Tersedia : http:// www.journalregister.iainsalatiga.ac.id
Heru Putranto, E. (2014). “Translation Techniques Found in Subtitle Text of Monster University Movie” [Online], 12 halaman. Tersedia : http:// www.eprints.dinus.ac.id [25 December 2015].
Kartika, S. (2010). “The Comparative Analysis on The Translation Slang Words in The Subtitle Movie Fired Up Between DVD and Internet Versions”. [Online], 14 halaman. Tersedia : http:// www.download.portalgaruda.org/article.html [25 December 2015].
Marcic, I. (2009). “Linguistic Interference in Translated Academic Texts” [Online], 28 halaman. Tersedia : http:// www.diva-portal.org [12 January 2015].

How to make Syllabus for Journalism

How to make Syllabus for Journalism

To make syllabus is not easy, so we should learn or find the reference that support your syllabus.
In my writing, it is example how to make syllabus for journalism.



U N I V E R S I T A S   T E K N O L O G I    Y O G Y A K A R T A



Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S1
Nama Mata Kuliah
English for Journalist
Kode Mata Kuliah
Beban Kredit
Waktu                                             :        100 Menit / Pertemuan
Pengampu                                    :          Lu’lu Faridah, S.Pd.

1. Tujuan
Pengajaran Mata kuliah English for Journalist ini bertujuan untuk:                                                             
a.       Memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang English for Journalist
b.       Memberikan pengetahuan tentang struktur grammar yang benar dalam Jurnalist
c.        Memberikan skill dalam pembuatan Jurnal yang baik dan benar
d.       Memberikan skill dalam berkomunikasi yang efektif dengan Bahasa Inggris
2. Deskripsi Matakuliah
Mata kuliah English for Journalist ini membekali mahasiswa untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa tentang cara berkomunikasi dalam dunia jurnal dan pembuatan jurnal yang terdiri dari beberapa kompetensi yang harus ditempuh seperti Kind of English, dalam materi tersebut juga disertai penjelasan tentang Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Reporting Speech,Style,Words, Foreign Words, Figures. Selain itu  diberikan latihan dalam pembuatan penulisan seperti Writing News dan Writing Online sebagai tugas individu dalam E-learning serta tugas kelompok seperti Presentation dan Diskusi dikelas sebagai bentuk pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi yang diajarkan.
3. Kompetensi
3.1. Kompetensi dari Proses Pembelajaran (Learning Outcomes)
Kelompok Kompetensi
Kompetensi Utama
Setelah menempuh matakuliah ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu:
1.       Menguasai materi English for Jurnalist selama proses perkuliahan.
2.       Mampu menerapkan materi yang disampaikan dalam pembuatan jurnal
3.       Mampu mengaplikasikan materi dan bisa mempraktikannya dalam penulisan Jurnal
Kompetensi Pendukung
Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan tentang jurnalistic dalam dunia kerja
Kompetensi Lainnya
Mampu mengolah kata dan cara berkomunikasi dengan baik.
3.2. Kompetensi Profesional (Professional Skills Outcomes)
Kelompok Kompetensi
Kompetensi Utama
1.   Mampu mengakses berbagai sumber informasi yang berkaitan dengan Engliish for Jurnalistics dan berbagai permasalahan yang dijumpai.
2.   Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan benar dalam dunia kerjamaupun kehidupan sehari-hari serta menulis dengan tata cara yang bagus.

Kompetensi Pendukung
Mahasiswa mendapatkan berbagai pengetahuan yang berkaitan tentang English for Jurnalistics
Kompetensi Lainnya
Kemampuan yang dimiliki mahasiswa dalam bidang jurnalistik memiliki daya  saing yang tinggi dalam dunia kerja.

4. Materi dan Bahan Bacaan
Materi perkuliahan dan bahan bacaan dalam mata kuliah English for Journalist 1 ini meliputi:


Class Orientation:

Introduction to the Course:
 What is Journalist?
Orientation to Syllabus/SAP

-          The definition of English for Jurnalistics

100 Minutes
What kind of English ?

-          American English
-          British English

100 Minutes
Grammar : The Rule
-          Part of Speech
-          Sentence Structure
-          Clauses
-          Phrases
100 Minutes
Grammar : 10 Common Mistakes
-          Understanding uses conjuction of sentence
-          Make a example
100 Minutes
Grammar : Problem and Confusion
-          Mistake of sentence
-          Understnding differences mistake of sentence
100 Minutes
-          How to spelling of jurnalistic
100 Minutes
-          period, comma, question mark,
exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation marks, colon,  Capital Letter 
100 Minutes
Mid-Term Test                   -                  (25%)
Reporting Speech
-          Direct Speech 
-          Indirect Speech 
-          Indirect Commands 
-          Indirect Questions
100 Minutes
Writing News
-          write News
-          Understanding difference style of Journal
100 Minutes
-          Slang Words
-          Jargon
-          Vogue words

100 Menit
 Foreign Words
-          Foreign Words
100 Menit
Writting Online
-          Writing Online

-          Figures
100 Minutes

Final Test – Writting Journal

5. Penilaian

Elemen Penilaian
Bobot (%)

Ujian Tengah Semester

Ujian Akhir Semester

Tugas Homework (Individu)

Tugas Kelompok (Discussion)

Partisipasi Kehadiran


6. Sumber Bahan

6.1. Utama

1.       Hicks, whynford, 2007. English for Journalists Third Edition. Routledge: London and new york.
2.       Hicks, whynford,1998. Writing for Journalists Second Edition. Routledge : London and new york.

6.2. Tambahan

1.Sargeant, Howard. 2007. Basic English Grammar 2. United States: Saddleback

Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S1
Nama Mata Kuliah
English for Jurnalistics
Kode Mata Kuliah
Beban Kredit
                                          Waktu                                               :        100 Menit / Pertemuan
                                                                       Pengampu                                     :        Lu’lu Faridah, S. Pd.

Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan
Materi/Pokok Bahasan
Metoda Pembelajaran
Latihan yang dilakukan
Kriteria Penilaian (Indikator)

·         Mahasiswa memahami kontrak perkuliahan, tujuan perkuliahan seperti yang tertuang dalam Silabus dan SAP-EFJ 1.
·         Mahasiswwa mampu memahami pengertian English for Jurnalistics

1.        Orientation to EFJ Syllabus and SAP

2.        Introduction to the Course:
English For Journalistics

The definition of English For Journalistics

Group discussion.

·         Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan kembali tujuan dan sasaran dalam perkuliahan English for Jurnalistics
·         Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan pengertian English For Journalistics

·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·         Mahasiswa mampu menyampaikan gagasan (berargumentatif).
  • Mahasiswa memiliki interpersonal skill

·         Mahasiswa memahami perbedaan antara penggunaan bahasa American English dan British English
·         Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan American English dan British English

1.      American English
2.      British English

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·         Mahasiswa menemukan perbedan tentang materi.
·         Mahasiswa dapat mempraktikan dan menguasai materi.

·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp.  1-15

·         Mahasiswa memiliki menganalisis bahasa
·         Mahasiswa berpikir kritis dan kreatif.

·             Mahasiswa memahami materi tentang part of speech, sentence structure, clause dan phrase
·             Mahasiswa memahami penggunaan part of speech, sentence structure, clause dan phrase dalam kalimat

1.        Part of Speech
2.        Sentence Structure
3.        Clauses
4.        Phrases

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·         Mahasiswa mendengarkan pemaparan tentang part of speech, sentence structure, clause dan phrase.
·         Mahasiswa mengerjakan latihan membuat kalimat sesuai dengan materi yang disampaikan

·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp.16-29

Soft Skill:
·         Mampu menerapkan part of speech, sentence structure, clause dan phrase dalam sebuah kalimat.

·            Mampu memahami kata penghubung dalam sebuah kalimat
1.        Understanding uses conjuction of sentence
2.        Make a Example

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·            Membuat contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat penghubung.
·            Menganalisis kalimat yang menggunakan kalimat penghubung
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp 30-40

Soft Skill:
·             Mampu menerapkan kata penghubung dalam sebuah kalimat  yang benar
·            Mahasiswa memahami kesalahan yang sering terjadi pada kalimat.
·            Mahasiswa memahami perbedaan kalimat yang benar dan salah
1.        Mistake of sentence
2.        Understanding differences mistake of sentence

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·            Mahaiswa menganalisis problem solving pada kalimat
·            Mahasiswa melakukan diskusi tentang problem solving pada kalimat
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      Pp 41-59

Soft Skill:
·         . Mahasiswa mampu membuat kalimat yang berlandasan pada grammar

·         Mahasiwa mampu memahami tata cara spelling dalm jurnalistik
1.       How to spelling of jurnalistic
Group discussion
Discovery learning
·         Latihan mempraktikan spelling yang benar dalam jurnalistik
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp.60-72

·         Mampu mengaplikasikan spelling yang baik dalam dunia kerja
·             Mampu memahami penggunaan Punctuation dalam penulisan jurnalistik
1.          period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, apostrophe, quotation marks, colon,  Capital Letter 
Group discussion
Discovery learning

·                Latihan menganalisis penggunaan punctuation dalam kalimat
·                Menganalisis kesalahan yang sering terjadi dalam penggunaan punctuation dalam kalimat
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 3
·      pp. 140-144

·         Mampu menulis jurnal dengan menggunakan punctuation
·         Mampu memahami perbedaan direct speech,indirect speech, indirect command dan indirect question pada kalimat dalam jurnal
1.     Direct Speech 
2.     Indirect Speech
3.     Indirect Commands
4.     Indirect Question

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·            Latihan membuat kalimat yang menggunakan direct speech, indirect speech, indirect command dan indirect question
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp.93-98

·         Mampu mengaplikasikan penggunaan direct speech, indirect speech, indirect command dan indirect question pada jurnalistik
·       . Memahami tata cara penulisan jurnal dalam Write News.

1.       write News
Group discussion
Discovery learning
·         Latihan membuat tulisan jurnal tentang berita.
·         Mengidentifikasi tata cara pembuatan Write News
·         Aktivitas diluar kelas (E-Learning)

·      SU 2
·      pp. 10-44

·         Mampu menerapkan materi Write News dalam dunia kerja
·         Mampu membedakan style yang digunakaan dalam Jurnalistik
1.        Understanding difference style of Journal

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·         Menganalisis setiap style yang digunakan dalam jurnalistik
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 2
·      pp. 150-160

·         Mampu menerapkan style jurnalistik dalam dunia kerja.

·         Mampu menguasai pemahaman pada slang words, jargon dan vogue words
1.          Slang Words
2.          Jargon
3.          Vogue Words

Group discussion
Discovery learning

·         Menganalisis penggunaan slang words, jargon, dan vorgue words dalam jurnal
·         Berdiskusi tentang hasil analisis mengenai slang words, jargon dan vorgue words
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp. 108-134
·         Mampu menerapkan slang words, jargon dan vorgue words dalam jurnalistik
·         Mahasiswa mampu memahami Foreign word pada kalimat jurnal
1.       Foreign Words
Group discussion
Discovery learning

·         Mengidentifikasi penggunaan foreign dalm kalimat jurnal
·         Mengkritisi foreign yang digunakan dalam kalimat jurnal
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp. 135-157
·         Mampu menguasai Foreign words yang digunakan dalam jurnalistic
·      Mampu memahami penulisan online dalaam jurnalistik

1.      Writing Online
Group discussion
Discovery learning

·       Membuatan writing online
·         Aktifivitas diluar kelas (E-Learning)

·      SU 2
pp. 132-149
·       Mampu membuat tulisan online dalm dunia jurnalistik

·            Mampu mengetahui tentang Figures dari berbagai sumber yang didapat

Group discussion
Discovery learning
·          Mencari berbagai informasi yang berkaitan dengan Figures
·          Mendiskusikan hasil informasi tentang Figures
·         Partisipasi aktif selama berada dalam kelas.
·         Aktivitas Kelas

·      SU 1
·      pp. 158-161

·         Mampu mengaplikasikan figurees dalam dunia Jurnalistic
Final-test Write Journal 25 %

Disusun oleh,
Tanggal …………………………………..

(Dr. Mustaqim Pabbajah, MA)
Dekan Fakultas Pendidikan
Tanggal …………………………………..

Kaprodi ……………………………………
          Tanggal 07 Januari 2016

(Lu’lu faridah, S.Pd, )
Pengampu MK EFJ



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